Happy Mother's Day; mothers and mother figures !

Happy Mother's Day ! Motherhood. Much has been written and glorified what being mother is all about. While many fit into the conventional 'mother mould', there are many among us who face difficult situations and complex emotions.Like they say, each child is different, so is every mother. The only common factor being unconditional love for her child. At times, there are others who take up the role of motherhood, are 'mother figure' to kids and the concept of motherhood changes accordingly. A very Happy Mother's Day To all those mothers, who leave their children every single day and go to work. To those mothers, who gave up their careers to 'be there', for their kids. To those mothers, who are fighting depression, the urge to give up but still hanging on for their kids. To those mothers, who have had emotional meltdowns thinking they cannot do it all. To those mothers, who fought tooth and nail against judgemental society for their 'sp...