The Frangipani Ring

The Frangipani Ring. In the humdrum of day-to-day activities, we face an onslaught of little bruises from the world. We give and take harsh words, crack insensitive jokes, and face manipulations occasionally as we navigate through our lives. These little wounds impact us, and someday, this suppressed sadness explodes in anger or trickles down as tears at the slightest trigger. Yesterday was one such day. I returned home yesterday evening with a cocktail of irritability, anger and sadness, immediately changed into gym wear, decided to hit the gym with a vengeance and release all the pent-up rage and energy. That, however, didn't mean I went to the gym. Instead, I spent an hour lazily lying on the couch watching mindless reels. Finally an hour later, I mustered enough courage and decided to go for walk downstairs in the garden. Armed with ear pods and Oprah's new podcast, I traipsed down the stairs with the goal of reaching 7000 steps. The garden of our society bl...