Getting Into The Festive Groove !

Come October, and my favourite part of the year begins. There is slight nip in air. Mornings are more pleasant, especially for Nagpurians, who experience horrible heat all through the year. Days start getting shorter and evenings are cooler too! There is a certain excitement in the air. For me personally, lots of celebrations with birthdays in the family, the approach of festive season and soon to be over, exam season for kids. Newspapers look different these days. They are full of advertisements, o ffering freebies and discounts on everything. From the l atest televisions and refrigerators to the newest cars and jewellery. The internet with it's online shopping convenience is flooded with advertisements of 3 days 'maha sale' on Flipkart and Amazon. If you move around the city, there are street shops selling Rangolis, and diyas. The stores and malls have their freshest stocks. They are open all seven days of the week, with extended hours everyday, hoping to s...