The Pursuit Of Happiness Undermines Happiness.

As 2019 slips away from our lives and calendars, people around are busy making bucket lists, ticking off 'done items', planning for parties, generally enjoying the lovely weather and festive season! As we enter 2020 in couple of days, a frenzy of sorts happens. New year resolutions are made, bucket lists filled, gym memberships are paid for, planners are bought etc and each one is looking forward to achieving that goal which will make us happy and content. We reflect on the the 'have dones', 'the should have dones' and make a vow to fulfill the promises we made to our selves, in the coming year. The 'have dones' are a validation, realisation that we are worthy in our own eyes and especially in the eyes of others. This drives home a point. What makes us happy? May be a few more zeroes added to the bank account, a jump in career,social recognition,travel to exotic locales, more material possessions, perfect partner, kids getting straight A's, a fa...