The Pursuit Of Happiness Undermines Happiness.

As 2019 slips away from our lives and calendars, people around are busy making bucket lists, ticking off 'done items', planning for parties, generally enjoying the lovely weather and festive season! As we enter 2020 in couple of days, a frenzy of sorts happens. New year resolutions are made, bucket lists filled, gym memberships are paid for, planners are bought etc and each one is looking forward to achieving that goal which will make us happy and content. We reflect on the the 'have dones', 'the should have dones' and make a vow to fulfill the promises we made to our selves, in the coming year. The 'have dones' are a validation, realisation that we are worthy in our own eyes and especially in the eyes of others. This drives home a point. What makes us happy?

May be a few more zeroes added to the bank account, a jump in career,social recognition,travel to exotic locales, more material possessions, perfect partner, kids getting straight A's, a fatter paycheck, a slimmer you, a bigger house......and the list goes on. I am no saint and I do agree all the above things are also the ones I crave for.The question is, does this bring us happiness? Or is happiness in the daily mundane and prosaic things, it's something you experience in everyday ordinary things as opposed to achieving goals. It is not in the pursuit of happiness that we find fulfillment, it is the happiness of pursuit where fulfillment and contentment lies.

Happiness is......
😊How you make the other person feel.
😊A permanent residence in someone's heart.
😊When your child hugs you tight after a nightmare and falls asleep in a second.
😊Sleeping on a crease less, spotless, clean bed sheet.
😊Perfect cup of steaming hot coffee on cold winter mornings.
😊A favourite song on the radio in the midst of a traffic jam.
😊Food that fills not only your stomach but your soul.The more you eat, the more you want.
😊Happiness is, absolutely no one at the billing counter for a moment in a crowded store, on first day of sale and you get to the the counter.
😊Empty seats next to you on a long flight.
😊Random compliments from total strangers.
😊No hangover after a night of binge drinking.
😊A favourite movie that has just started when you switch on the TV, after a particularly exhausting day.
😊Bumping into your favourite teacher from school.
😊Domestic help coming on a day she had taken leave
😊Good hair day.
😊Drenched in sweat after a gruelling gym session. (Happiness is only after the session, not during the session, when it feels like death !)
😊Perfectly spicy samosa and chilled coke.
😊2 AM heart to heart conversations.
😊Sunset, waves and  soft sand beneath your feet.
😊Smell and feel of little babies.
😊The affectionate gaze and the comforting grasp of soft, wrinkled hands, holding yours.
😊A book that engrosses you so much, for a moment, you close your eyes, hold the book close to heart and marvel at the power of words.
😊A tight embrace amidst a big fight.
😊An old love letter that still holds true.
😊Smile on your parents' face, and you know that the reason behind that smile is you.
😊An aroma or a song that instantly reminds you of a special moment.
😊Knowing that your words and presence gave hope to even one person.
😊When situations that annoy, upset or bring you to tears happen yet again, but you keep calm and chill. At that moment, you know, you have healed. That is immense happiness!

         It's the little things that matter, which we all experience and feel good about. It's just that we fail to take note of it and take it for granted. As this year ends, I am grateful for this beautiful year with it's shares of ups and downs.
        I have made mistakes and I am sure will make many more. But I feel thankful for all those people who stood beside me, rock solid. Loved me, when I wasn't very lovable and accepted me inspite of all my short comings.
       While others are making bucket lists, I am also making forget list ( you know which list that is :P). List of things to let go off, discard, disempower,which includes negative thoughts, prejudices and behaviours and of course, negative people !:P
        As we usher into 2020, I choose happiness. Travel light, travel easy. Happiness, sanity and peace .......Here's looking at you 2020.

       Happy New Year !!


  1. Beautifully expressed the meaning of HAPPINESS ...

  2. Perfect 🙃 Shweta Kewalramani

  3. Happiness is also when you express your emotions in words, to your satisfaction and are admired by those who respond on a positive note as has been the case of 'Unaudited Thoughts'.

    The small happiness events put forth by you go a long way to submerge into a large highway of Happiness.


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