Trusted Companions In The Journey Of Life
#unauditedthoughts A certified bibliophile, there are books I have bought and some I got as gifts. Among the sizeable collection from my library, many I have read, some re-read and a lot many awaiting to be read, like those impulsive purchases I make during solo flights when I excitedly buy several books at the airport intending to finish in one go and end up watching a movie instead. Then, there are some books I have cherished and absorbed, either for the thought, the flow of words and language, or the captivating storyline. Occasionally, my library overflows, and I need to give away a few, which is an arduous task since the hoarder in me doesn't want to part with the treasure collected over the years. During one such sorting/clearing session, my hands fell upon an old book. A thick red paperback with a well-worn red cover and yellowed pages, indicating its age. This book was the much-loved or dreaded( depending on your flair for language) Wren and Martin English Grammar and Composition Book. Originally written for the children of British officers residing in India before independence, it soon became a go-to book for all queries related to English grammar. It was a pedagogical bible for all those who went to 'English-medium' schools; we would refer to this book repeatedly, studying its rules and concepts, solving the exercises as part of the English grammar curriculum. The book is now going through its mid-life, with the red cover partly torn and slightly dusty, pages curled up in corners and a dark brownish patch on a few pages where I had probably spilled over some liquid. I felt a sense of regret about how I would handle books then. Yet it has been with me for the last 4 decades, from school to college to changing homes. The book is now somewhat scarred and fragile from years of use and, at times, abuse; it has aged with time. Nevertheless, the principles and rules mentioned therein remain as relevant as they were decades ago, even though semantics have changed over time. I still mark my books. Write notes on the pages or the meaning of new words I read, put a little heart next to paragraphs I enjoyed reading, and underline the sections that seem important. They are a sneak peek into my own solitary world, a reflection of how I think and process feelings and thoughts. Books, like people, are meant to be loved, read and understood. In the process, some don't resonate with you at all and are better given away. Some are merely fleeting acquaintances, yet others are fun reads and entertainment that add charm to life. Some books, like certain people, provide strength and support. The ones you learn from by reading them, understanding them; the ones you keep going back to, whose essence is steadfast and solid, reiterating why books are called a man's best friend. These books, like those people, are yours. Carry them in your heart and mind wherever life takes you. Hold them close. Closer. #unauditedthoughts
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