The last of my 30's - Hello 39!

Well, this is it ! I turn 39 today. People say I don't look 39 ( I am modest, they do!) That is also because I don't act my age either! (Ask my dad)😬
       Been doing some thinking and as I look back at the first decade, I remember a  timid me! Difficult to believe, looking at me today.  But I was . Life was simple, Aai-Baba, Kaka-Kaku and my dear Aaji fussing over and pampering me. Arrival of siblings and I became their 'Tai'. Though they refuse to treat me like one even today. 🤷🏻‍♀
       The second decade was school,college, tuitions, teachers, friends, petty squabbles, bunking classes, forging deepest friendships and studying. It was also when I met a very shy Samar and thus began a heady intense love! Those were the days.
         The third decade was all about moving ahead. Newly qualified as a Chartered Accountant. Getting married and above everything else,  'MOTHERHOOD'. That was a challenging period, getting used to new life. There were many highs and lows. I am glad I had those lows. They helped me grow into a stronger person. I learnt a lot!
         The last ten years have been about growth, stability and expansion.No, not physically, duh! 😜😜 Arrival of Aarav and my own home. Both of us got busier in our lives. From magical we had shifted to mundane. Only to realise there was magic in the mundane! Managing home, office, kids' schools, tiffins, homework, classes and generally having them jumping on my head 24*7 ! Phew! It also meant supporting Sam in his endeavors and he managing a hyper me at times.That is not easy, trust me on that. He is the best partner I could have hoped for.
             All this, while cementing a social life, making friends who will be there for me, and I for them the rest of my life.Friends have always been a major source of strength.Thank god for them! There are aspects of my life I would have never imagined 10 years ago! Thanks to them  from bottom of my heart for being there in every sense of word and standing by me.
               Bereavement of few close people and major illnesses in the family has only made me more aware and grateful for what I have.
            So, this last year of thirties and ahead, I plan to enjoy more, forgive a little more and get angry a little less. Thankful for all the precious memories, lessons learnt and people I have in my life.
              I am sure as life moves on, happiness and woes will be a part of life and I appreciate the wisdom that comes with experience. I also know I will never be in my thirties again. But I will worry about next year, next year!
             For now I am 39 and that is pretty fantastic!!!


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